Saturday, June 9, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The shower trucks

Amy emerges from one of the amazing shower trucks, which make campimg during a 7 day ride liveable.

Day 5, Dress Red day, Santa Maria

We are sufferin a bit today of wind and sunburn. It is a short ride of 45 miles, so we are taking our time. Crap, they just ran out of eggs, oh here are more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Made it in , 12 hrs door to door

Veges get their own line, and the food varies from ok to great. All you can eat!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

MnM stop

One of the many unofficial pitstops along the way. This one near the end of a tough 77 ride, giving that last boost of energy I needed. Note the disco beads, courtesy of the Dreamgirls.

One for Don...

Don, I know you like the Dreamgirls, so here ya go.

Morning yoga

Day 3, on to Santa Maria

Monday, June 4, 2007

bedding down in King City

Today's ride was Amy's first century, meaning we rode over 100 miles. Although not as much continuous climbing, there were a number of dusies randomly placed, and an insane wind which sometimes blew in your face, to the side, and most wonderfully to the back. Here in King City, camp is very large and spread out. The walk from bike to food was extruciating. We tend to get in late which means we don't get daylight in which to dry towels and bike clothes. Finding your tent spot is always interesting while dragging a 75 lb duffle. We are learning a lot, and are proud to be a part.

King City, here we are, 105 miles!

1st rest stop, Montery Bay Nat'l Marine

Another cold start to the day, but warmth is on it's way. Camp was great with good food and facilities, but wow the snoring from the next tent was Gerhart level. Yeah, that is bad. Amy brought earplugs for so no problem.

Day 2, Santa Cruz to King City

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Home for thw night, day 1

top of the TEN mile climb rest stop

We are at mile 30, and that last climb was brutal, we go mostly downhill from here. i almost peed on someone else in the bushes a few miles back.

our first big climb, milw 25

gearing up for the big ride

Horns ready, tires full, ready to ride!

Day 1, the bus

Amy is nervous, George is excited... and a litle nervous.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

With friends and the Bay Bridge

Amy, Stephanie, Mike and George enjoying our gelato.

yes, more line

we are DONE!

ready for the ride, look at all them bikes

annnnnd, the Last line.... ?

the second line

The first big line was for the hour long safety presentation, and this is for the actual tent assignment. all in all, a 3+ hr process. There was much confusion as to the proceedure at arrival, but we are cool now.

the bus to Cow Palace

Off to orientation at Cow Palace with San Fran's finest crazy people.

Friday, June 1, 2007

mike came!

We are headed downtown for dinner, thanks to our chaeffeur, Mike.

ready for the plane!

Everything has gone incredibly smooth, including receipt of a new couch with pull out bed this afternoon. whew! My good friend from highschool, Mike Wittig, picks us up at SFO and whisks us off to dinner and our room at the Americania Hotel.